Tuesday 5 March 2019

Some Nice Things About Small Town Life

When I go to the village hairdresser, I can bring Miss Betty. While I wait for the hair dye to work on my greys, Faith gives Miss Betty her haircut-

A little off the top

Happy to lay on her back and have her belly trimmed

That was all me!

Mike and all the underkeepers go to Faith for their group haircuts en masse, after summer is over and it's time to look smart for the shooting season. Even the bosses have their hair cut by Faith.

When Faith was looking for another dog, we found her a pup. She owns Hadley Bubbles brother, Oscar.

There's some nice things about living in a small town.


Bag End Gardener said...

Awww, bless . . . . I'd love to be a client of your hairdresser 😀

Anonymous said...

Sounds like the right community