Thursday, 12 May 2016

Who needs a Jungle Gym when you have a Jungle Jen?


  1. It's "I'm the king of the castle". Be thankful you don't have more of the little darlings.

  2. Tooooooo Cute! But I gotta ask: don't those little hooves hurt? I would think they would.

  3. Fran - I'm thankful I don't keep cattle, that's for sure...

    Paula - Just the opposite - It's a little goaty massage and feels great on tight back muscles! Ask me again though when they are full grown.

  4. LOL - this made my morning! (And milking in that position looks so uncomfortable without the kids on your back but I suspect it's exactly how I'd do it if I were you)

  5. So who was taking the video? And were they laughing while they did it? looks hilarious!

  6. bibliotecaria - I have no camera person, I just sat the GoPro on top of a fence post. I laughed when I saw what we looked like for the first time though!

  7. Janice Bendixen17 May 2016 at 09:19

    That is BEYOND adorable! Now I want goats more than ever. Although Darling Husband still refuses... *sigh* Thanks for letting me enjoy them vicariously. :-)

  8. I'm impressed that you wore white into the goat pen, knowing that they'd climb on you! I can't keep white clean to save my life.
