I also made my first batch of goat's cheese. It tasted like a halloumi, and it was especially delicious fried and eaten with chutney. And it was so easy: add the cheese starter (in this case, shop-bought). Wait for curds to form -
Place curds in a cheesecloth and hang it to drain, separating the whey from the curds -
When the curds drained, add and bit of salt and put into cheese molds. Hey presto: Cheese!
Or so I thought. Turns out it was a case of beginners luck. After tasting my second batch, made using a home made cheese starter, I took that second batch straight outside and fed it to the chickens. Even the chickens pecked at it half-heartedly; I think they only ate it to be polite. The dogs happily ate the whey from both batches. Dogs are pretty catholic in their tastes.
While we were harvesting, portents in nature signalled a hard winter to come: the roe deer rut was very early, Kitty the horse grew an extra-thick winter coat, Just in case, we have filled the horse trailer with small bales of hay, and stacked a surplus of hard feed for all the animals in case we get snowed in -
Dai the goat went to Ice Camp (i.e. the freezer) and once his mother was tamed enough to be hand-milked, I have been collecting almost 4 litres of goat's milk a day. Thankfully it freezes well. There is a good and varied market for goat's milk, from people with eczema to dog breeders weaning puppies. I will use the bulk of it for rearing extra lambs and making cheese - or more chicken food if I can't get it right. Apparently a dairy must be scrupulously clean to make good cheese. "Scrupulously clean" is a lot to ask for in a house with eight dogs, a gamekeeper and a shepherdess living in it.
Almost all this year's meat chickens are processed, plucked and keeping Dai company in the meat freezer. We harvest them a few at a time as they get big enough, and that spreads out the tedious work of plucking too. None of the turkeys made the Christmas table this year, and will probably have a reprieve until Easter. Tina the turkey says we can have goose for Christmas dinner and like it.-
What Tina says goes around here. She's very bossy.
Christmas has followed quickly on the heels of harvest, and when harvest chores were finished, it was already time to cut a Christmas tree. I found a little one in the tree plantation, perfect for our cottage -
Pip and Molly came along this year; both are on rest with bad knees. Pip tore her other cruciate ligament a month ago and has had a second operation! They explore while I cut down the tree and carry it to the truck -
It looks lovely with a few lights and decorations on it -
Flanked by full dog beds, of course.
With another dog operation to pay for, we decided to limit our gift giving to each other. One present each. Mike bought me two pedigree Horned Dorset ewes, which are in lamb with FIVE lambs (so that's technically seven presents). I bought Mike a dozen ex-battery brown laying hens. Mike and Ian turned our old coal bunker into a proper chicken house with perches and ventilation -
It looks pretty good in the corner of our orchard. And, because it's plastic, it won't rot or allow red mites to breed. Nice work guys. Uh...how do you get in to collect the eggs?
Another job for Underkeeper Ian
A trifling design fault to be worked out later. So I'm told.
We have three shoot days before Christmas, and pheasants to pluck most days. We're shooting tomorrow so I'm off to make casserole and cakes for thirty hard-working shoot staff. I'll have to ask Ian to collect the eggs for me.
Delighted you have found time to blog again. I love reading about your work and your life in England. Thanks.
That expression on your turkey is wonderful! Your tree looks so lovely, and I envy you the room full of windows; how lovely.
Thanks guys. Yes Sara - Tina has a lot of personality. It's kept her out of the oven every Thanksgiving!
I'm seriously considering skinning my next lot of chooks, as we eat most of our chicken as skinned pieces anyway. Hate those pinfeathers!
Best wishes to you all for a lovely Christmas
The cheese looks delicious- I'm envious :)
Have a very merry Christmas.
LOVE the room your Xmas tree is in!
So much light with al the big windows.
Have a peaceful Holiday.
Happy New Year from Alaska, Jenn! A friend and I share fresh, whole milk twice a month and since it's just Darling Husband and me, often I have extra. I use fresh lemon juice to curdle the nearly sour milk and it makes wonderful cheese. I've never had a bad batch. Today I'll try adding some spice (thinking dried pepper/citric blend). I'll let you know how I fare. It's great to hear from you again. Our strange weather continues in the sub-Arctic with 40F temps, rain and 30+ MPH winds. Our lawn is clear of snow and green in January. El NiƱo is making his presence known. Stay warm and give Pip my love. - Janice
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