I've half-heartedly warmed to the idea when Mike suggested it. I think it's more a male way of thinking, to tick off each species from 'the list', like playing "I spy" or participating in a gory scavenger hunt. And of course, most sportsmen want a trophy specimen from each group to hang on their wall (if the wife says it's ok) or in their shed (if the wife says it isn't).
I'm not much for the trophies. In fact, aside from my medal-winning boar tusks and one good roe head that Mike shot long ago, we haven't got any trophies to display. Both of those are hidden away in corners. Our most useful head is from a poor specimen red deer which Mike 'liberated' from the village hall, and now hangs in our stairway as a hat rack -
But I didn't know the first thing about Sika, except that 1) they are called 'stags' (as opposed to 'bucks' - it relates to their latin name Cervus) and 2) they originate from Japan (Sika is the japanese word for deer). And 3) that I had been invited to shoot one by Keith Edwards, a friend and deerstalker who manages a large wild herd. (He's in the 'trophies in the shed' category). I did a bit of quick research, and put a few rounds through my .308 rifle to check for accuracy before setting off last night for a guided hunt.
The weather was cooperative, and I watched the orange autumn sunset from the highseat. If I never saw a deer it was still better than being at home doing laundry. But over a few hours as the sun set, we counted 36 deer. The sika are rutting so the stags are trying to round up a 'harem' of ladies. I heard my first sika stag call - a loud roaring whistle that rises in pitch, then falls and ends with a grunt. You can hear young stags, their whistles are higher, almost like their voices haven't dropped yet. I saw hinds (lady deer) with youngsters preparing to survive their first winter, young 'pricket' stags play-fighting with youthful enthusiasm, and seasoned stags sniffing the air to see if any hinds were receptive to their advances. One tried to mount a hind while she grazed but she scooted away to graze somewhere more peaceful, baby in tow.
Keith really wanted me to have a medal-winning stag and, though I was grateful for the generous offer, I would be happy with a cull animal. As it turned out, a heavy-bodied stag, certainly over a decade old with weakening antlers came out of the woods. He presented the best target. He'd sired his fair share of offspring for sure. It was time for him to come out. I dropped him cleanly with the first shot on the other side of the river. We dragging him back and gralloched him, and he came home with me in the back of my truck. I owed Paul ('trophies in the house' category) a deer, and Paul needed a good sized animal right away. There's a Food Fair coming up and Paul is making sausages to sell.
I won't keep the head as a trophy, but I will keep the antlers to make my own priest. A 'priest' is a heavy tool for dispatching wounded birds. It's called a priest for the macabre reason that it is delivering the bird's last rites. I have to drill out a section of antler and fill it with lead or shot to increase the weight. I've never made one before so two antlers gives me two chances to get it right.
The best part about getting my sika stag is: I'm now ahead of Mike in the race to finish the 'Big 6'. I still have to attempt the red, the muntjac, and the chinese water deer. I'd better get reading.
Congratulations on a fine stag. Good luck on the continuation of your Big 6.
Interested to hear more about your "priest" project too.
Jen -- I am awed by your prowess. As we go into hunting season, I'm relegated to the bleachers because I didn't manage to get my license. And, oh yeah, that small problem of not knowing how to use a gun.
I figure this is my year to get used to the idea of killing a large mammal, and next year will be my year to do it.
Hello Stranger. What was the green tomato cake like?
Well done for the kill. Jasper will be very impressed!!
Have a lovely weekend.
Tamar - Even if you don't shoot it, I expect you'll get stuck into butchering which is every bit as important. Plus you can do it in the warmth while listening to NPR. DH will have to brave the elements to bring it home. I look forward to reading about your first successful hunt!
Now I can't stop thinking about the movie, The Deer Hunter, with the mention of "one shot" to kill a deer, haha. I like how you were able to choose an older male that has already served the herd well.
I know this post is old, but I've been reading through your blog (here by way of Starving off the Land) I'm fascinated by the idea of a "priest", which I gather is a more interesting and specific name for a club. A bit of Googling shows me that there are priests for fish as well. Now I feel a bit primitive for quieting down those bluefish with a good rap from my heavy needle nose pliers! Anyway, fascinating read! I look forward to catching up to the present!
You're exactly right, and anything that is small enough to carry but heavy enough to deliver a fatal blow makes a good priest. I carry a small brass fish priest on shoot days; some people carry broken axe handles, others fancy weighed antlers, etc.
I do use one of these antlers as a priest too, the other I found makes a great dibber for seed sowing in the garden.
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